‘Tis the Season at NBA 2022

Deck the halls with holiday cheer, tacky sweaters and an abundance of baked goods! We added to the fun of our annual Tacky Sweater Day with an inaugural event, The Great NBA Cookie Exchange, in our Atlanta and DC offices. Over 30+ NBAers participated and brought in two dozen of their favorite treats to share with coworkers. Whether homemade or store bought, people were eager to fill up with as many delicious treats as possible. “This was my first holiday season at NBA, and it was definitely refreshing and exciting to see everyone in the spirit and what was up people’s sleeves with the different recipes,” commented Gianluca Sanzone. “It’s always fun to have events like these throughout the year to bring the studios closer together!” We hope everyone enjoys the holidays and has a great New Year!

Lauren KowalskiAll, Culture